Steroids For The Brain – How I Used Modafinil To Study For 19 Hours Straight

I take a look around – everything seems different, yet I cannot put my finger on it. I’m completely surrounded by women but I barely pay them any attention. There is too much to do, besides, the last thing I need right now is to make eye contact with a […]

18 Things I Want To Tell My 18 Year Old Self (a conversation)

We’ve all fantasised about going back in time – perhaps to a life changing event or to re-enact a wonderful memory from our past. Reliving the first holiday without our parents, reminiscing about our first kiss or those hot, childhood summers that seemed to last forever. Our brain does a […]

Have You Done Your 10,000 Touches Today?

There is a philosophy deeply ingrained in Dutch football. First adopted over 10 years ago and implemented by many top level professional teams, it is the idea that every youngster hoping to become an elite player should be touching the ball 10,000 times per day. Yes, that’s every day. Malcolm […]

9 Warning Signs You’re About To Start a Toxic Relationship

As I look back and reminisce about my previous relationships, it’s a genuine wonder why I haven’t been declared clinically insane. Dear God, I have dated some weird and wonderful people in my time. There is the girl who, after just 1 date, decided to go home and fill in […]

I Had NO IDEA How I Was Gonna Do This… but I did it anyway!

This is a guest post by Dana Gore Do you have any idea what I’m talking about? Not yet huh? Ok, that’s cool. Just stay with me for a minute and it’ll all come together 🙂 See – the reason I’m writing about this subject is because I know a […]

Just Because I’m Not Alone Doesn’t Mean I’m Not Lonely

Among the many misconceptions regarding depression, the most dangerous is the widely held belief that if someone looks fine, then they are fine. The truth is – those who are battling depression are the greatest method actors of our time; living every second of every day via a persona created […]

7 Stupid Life Rules You Should Stop Paying Attention To

I hate conformity. I’ll be honest with you here. People think I’m a little weird. Not weird enough to alert the cops, but the kind of weird that might leave someone scratching their head in bemusement when you say something that flies in the face of conventional ‘wisdom’. I get […]

Analysis Paralysis – Why I Need To Re-evaluate My Life (and why I need your help)

Edit: Since first writing this article, I have managed to deal with the feelings and scheduling conflicts detailed within. It was simply a change in focus and attitude that enabled me to overcome my issues. Successful people will always be busy – but I have learned that there will always […]

The 15 Best Psycholocrazy articles of 2013 – A Year In Review

It’s that time of year when everyone is all partied out and can’t be bothered with the whole ‘returning to normality’ thing. Happy new limbo to you all – I hope you had a good one! So with this in mind I thought it would be a great idea to […]

If The Answers Aren’t Frightening Enough Then You Need To Start Asking Scarier Questions

Who on earth wants to be scared? If you aren’t raising your hand with the speed of a schoolboy who’s just wet his pants, then you darn well should be. Yes, this is another one of those ‘fear is nothing to be afraid of’ articles, but with a little twist. […]

If You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get – 3 Ways To Change Your Life, Today!

A couple of months back I wrote an article about a dead cat. You may remember it as the one where I talked about Schrodinger’s cat and how our little feline friend can be used to inspire and push ourselves to reach outside of our comfort zone and grab life […]

4 Ridiculously Common Misconceptions About Depression (and how to change your thoughts)

Depression sucks. It’s the vampire of diseases. It hides in plain sight, waiting to pounce. You don’t hear it coming. It’s too swift and clever for that. It sinks its teeth into your psyche, draining your confidence, your energy levels and your sense of self-worth. You’re powerless to prevent it. […]

3 Insane Reasons Why You Will Never Be Happy

Happiness is fleeting. It teases us with its presence, like a Victorian woman pulling up her bustle to reveal the sexy ankle of shame. It arrives with fanfare and promise and before we can truly appreciate what we are experiencing, it vanishes. Sometimes never to be seen again. We need […]

Yes and No – The Only Two Words You Will Ever Need

The sense of impending doom was unbearable; I felt trapped, unable to escape the horror that would surely engulf my existence. Every minute that passed felt like an hour; it always does when you have nowhere to go. My time was almost up and I could feel the adrenaline flow […]

You’re Already Dead! – The Ultimate Guide To Kicking Death’s Ass

Death is the ultimate taboo subject – something that all of us think about but we rarely bring it up in conversation because of the fear being labelled a weirdo. Whilst there are many articles and blog posts out there that discuss how people deal with grief and the loss […]