I’ve been quiet recently. Not in person, mind – I still make all kinds of strange noises when in the presence of another life form, but internetically speaking (that should definitely be a word) – I’ve been absent. Two steps forward, three steps back. During this absence, I’ve been thinking […]
5 Reasons Why Self-Doubt Is a Waste of Time (and how to change your mentality)
We’re a species of doubters, cynics and self-deprecators – forever searching for that one elusive reason as to why something won’t work, why we shouldn’t do it or why we’re just plain useless. Animals don’t care. Neither do kids. The concept of embarrassment and failure is alien to these quirky […]
5 Obvious Things I Learned From a 30 Day News Blackout (that completely surprised me)
The most important, satisfying and infuriating task during my recent 30 day challenge was playing hide and seek with the news. I was the one hiding. ‘It’ was counting down – ready to find me at the earliest possible opportunity, and using any method at its disposal. Like the Terminator […]
How Your Employer is Turning You into a Battery Chicken: 5 Reasons to Break Out of the Cage
This is a guest post by Leah Cox The incessant beeping of the alarm pulls me sharply from the safety and comfort of my sleep – like a starving wolverine with its jaws clasped firmly on its prey, dragging the defenseless and the weak into a new nightmare, where no amount of kicking […]
39 Insanely Stupid Things You Should Probably Stop Doing
1. Putting your own opinion to a fact. Unless you’re 100% certain – it’s not a fact, and you’re probably making it worse. 2. Waiting for something better to come along before you quit the thing you hate. This goes out to all the people stuck in dead end jobs, […]
My Insane 30 Day Challenge (part 2) – No News or Internet, Plus Daily Workouts and a Ton of Writing
It’s March and that means many things. But for me, it’s time for another one of my insane and pointless 30 day challenges. 18 months ago I did one of these and I found it incredibly, erm, what’s the word? Oh yes… challenging. If you want to check it out, […]
5 Reasons Why Waking Up at 5am Will Improve Your Life (and how to actually do it)
It’s not supposed to be like this. The whole point of quitting my job was to give myself the freedom and the time to do all the things I want – without the overburdening pressure and stress of the 9-5. Oh and the hatred too. Let’s not forget about that. […]
Sex, Sun and The Peltzman effect – Why Playing It Safe Is Ruining Your Life
Decision making is not what it used to be. Back in the old days, when life was simple and we all lived in a black and white world, we had no health and safety minefields to carefully navigate. There was no social media to shame us into behaving a certain […]
40 Amazing Personal Development Bloggers to Watch In 2015 (plus my number 1 blog of the year)
I know what you’re thinking. How did I get my hands on so many police mug shots huh? 😉 I’m only joking. Those 40 incredibly attractive individuals you see in the picture are my pick of the bloggers to rock my world over the last 12 months. Yes, it’s completely […]
Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself
The weight of expectation is crushing. Yet nobody is saying a word. I’m not hearing voices, nor can I feel the penetrative gaze of a thousand beady eyes, all fixated on my very being; anticipating something magical and wondrous to emerge from these hesitant fingers. But it’s there. I stare […]
10 Cunning Ways to Grow Your Business and Earn More Money
Starting your own business is difficult. By the very nature of the term – you have to actually start something, which invariably means you have nothing to begin with. No clients, no products and no profits. Each day is a new adventure. You have no idea where this story ends. […]
4 Imaginary Problems You’re Experiencing Right Now (and how to fix them)
It’s human nature to believe we’re just one small change away from greatness. If only we could do this or do that – everything would be perfect. Our wants, wishes, dreams and desires mix with our regrets, our pain and our envy to create the perfect illusion of a puzzle […]
6 Survival Tips For the Recently Unemployed (or how quitting your job can rock your world)
Have you ever been fired from a job? Not in a mutual termination, or a ‘sorry, we’re not renewing your contract’ kind of way, but a proper disciplinary hearing followed by a swift kick up the arse and a see you later (and never come back) kind of way. I […]
Deus ex Machina – How to Create Something Out of Nothing by Playing God With Your Life
If you don’t know the difference between your Pawns and your Kings, and you think a Queen is someone who brings the life and soul to a party then you probably aren’t too familiar with chess. It’s ok because most of us haven’t a clue how to play it either […]
Are You Willing To Die?
The first few metres are erratic. The cold, angular edges of the building threaten to tear his hands to shreds, but there is no going back. Fearful of being interrupted by the authorities, he sprints upwards; aiming to finish his ascent as quickly as possible. This is by no means […]