39 Insanely Stupid Things You Should Probably Stop Doing

1. Putting your own opinion to a fact. Unless you’re 100% certain – it’s not a fact, and you’re probably making it worse. 2. Waiting for something better to come along before you quit the thing you hate. This goes out to all the people stuck in dead end jobs, […]

Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

The weight of expectation is crushing. Yet nobody is saying a word. I’m not hearing voices, nor can I feel the penetrative gaze of a thousand beady eyes, all fixated on my very being; anticipating something magical and wondrous to emerge from these hesitant fingers. But it’s there. I stare […]

5 Reasons Why Everyone Secretly Hates You (and how to change your ways)

Think back to the last time you tried to impress someone. What did you do? Maybe it was for a job interview and you spent hours memorising the history of the company in the hope it would dazzle your potential employer. Maybe you prepared for a hot date by pushing […]

18 Things I Want To Tell My 18 Year Old Self (a conversation)

We’ve all fantasised about going back in time – perhaps to a life changing event or to re-enact a wonderful memory from our past. Reliving the first holiday without our parents, reminiscing about our first kiss or those hot, childhood summers that seemed to last forever. Our brain does a […]

9 Warning Signs You’re About To Start a Toxic Relationship

As I look back and reminisce about my previous relationships, it’s a genuine wonder why I haven’t been declared clinically insane. Dear God, I have dated some weird and wonderful people in my time. There is the girl who, after just 1 date, decided to go home and fill in […]

6 Reasons Why Being Beautiful Sucks

I don’t know about you lot but it seems to me that there are more beautiful people roaming the planet than at any time in history. Of course the standards were a lot lower in the past – you were considered a sexual Goddess in the Stone Age by virtue […]

The Idiots Guide To Being An Idiot

The more I read about personal development, the more I realise that everyone has it all back to front. The goal shouldn’t be to improve ourselves. It should be to screw up as often as possible because that’s infinitely more interesting. If we lived in a perfect world then life […]

4 Awful life situations you really need to see the funny side of

How many times have you been told that life is hard? It’s not really, it’s just wildly unpredictable and the people that tell you this are those who always look on the negative side. I mean, we all try to do our best with what we have and sometimes we […]

32 things I’ve learnt in my 32 years on this planet.

I have recently turned the horrifically ancient age of 32 and while I am embracing the idea of buying some slippers and resting my creaking bones by the log fire to do today’s crossword, I thought I would offer some insight into what I have learnt in my time on […]

Shut Up – Your Opinion Is Worthless

Shut up – Your opinion is worthless I haven’t met anyone in ages but I want to give you some dating advice. I’ve only just met you but I know exactly the kind of person you are. My novel is amazing but for some reason the publishers aren’t interested. I’ve […]

Is the Mayan calendar right? Is December 21st the end of the world? Let’s find out.

The end of the world nigh, we’re all doomed. Unless you have been living under a rock and refuse to watch dodgy movies starring John Cusack you would know that the end of the world is imminent. Sorry Santa, all that hard work is for nothing. How many times have […]

6 Ways future technology will amaze us all

We all love to imagine what the future and its technology may bring. As kids we would think about what jobs we would have, what age we would get married and how many pet robot monkeys we would own. Throughout the years we have seen many films that attempt to […]

If Murder Was Legal Would You Still Be Alive?

What a title huh? I knew that would get your attention. Don’t worry it wasn’t a sensationalist headline for the sake of it but it’s a question I have asked a fair few people over the years and the majority genuinely have to stop and think about their answer. So […]

5 Completely Random And Awesome Ways To Improve Your Brain

Do you have a brain? I really hope you are answering yes to that question because if not, the rise of the machines has already begun and we’re all doomed. For those of you that are human and still with us, how would you like to discover 5 ways in […]

The Alternative Bucket List – 75 things to try that you wouldn’t normally do

You know those bucket list type thingies that everyone writes these days? Well they all seem to contain the same activities and once you’ve read one you have read them all. Coming up with ideas for a bucket list can be challenging – so I’m going to offer a slightly […]