How to make money online 100% guaranteed with Matched Betting

how to quit your job | matched bettingI am going to share with you the only fool proof way that I know of to make money with online bookies. The method is called Matched Betting and not only is it totally legal but it is really easy to learn. All you need is a bank account, access to the internet and a little bit of patience.

Firstly let me give you a brief introduction to Matched Betting to get you started.

The concept

When placing a bet with a bookmaker, you place what is known as a stake (your bet amount) on the outcome of an event at particular odds. Take a football match for example, if you were to place £10 on Team A winning the football match at 3/1 (4.0 in decimal odds) you would win £40 (your stake of £10 plus the winnings of £30), now if you lost the bet the bookie would keep your £10 and you would receive nothing.

Taking the above example, imagine you are the bookie offering the same odds to someone for the same outcome, if the bet loses you gain their £10, however if the bet wins you have to pay out £40 (£10 of their money back, plus £30 of your money). This is known as ‘laying’ a bet and is something which can be done on a betting exchange.

Now if you were to place the bet above and then lay the same bet at the same odds (by using a betting exchange and acting as the bookie) whatever the outcome of the match you would not lose any money, the bets would cancel each other out.

With football there are two possible outcomes. Below are the outcomes of placing the above bet/lay (matched bet):

Qualifying bet

Team A wins

You win £40 (your stake of £10 plus the winnings of £30).

Your ‘lay’ bet loses (with the betting exchange) meaning you lose £30.

Therefore you would be left with the following £40-£10 (stake) – £30 (‘lay’ bet) = £0


Team A does not win (loses or draw’s match)

You lose £10 (your stake)

Your ‘lay’ bet wins (with the betting exchange) meaning you win £10

Therefore you would be left with the following £10 (‘lay’ bet) – £10 (stake) = £0

So by placing your bet and ‘lay’ you neither win nor lose any money.


Now lets look at the same scenario as above but with a bookies free £10 bet

Free bookie bet

Team A wins

You use the free bet of £10 at 3/1 (4.0). You win £40 without risking your own money on the stake.

Your ‘lay’ bet loses (with the betting exchange) meaning you lose £30.

Therefore you would be left with the following £40 – £30 (‘lay’ bet) = £10 profit


Team A does not win (loses or draw’s match)

You use the free bet of £10 at 3/1 (4.0). You lose the £10 free bet.

Your ‘lay’ bet wins (with the betting exchange) meaning you win £10

Therefore you would be left with the following £10 (‘lay’ bet) = £10 profit


Now that you have read the basic concept, I’ll pass you over to for an up to date list of the free bets that are currently available and to help you get started with placing your first live bets.

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About Jamie

Jamie is a guitar teacher and writer who hates the typical 9-5 existence. After quitting his job to enter the world of guitar tuition, he created this blog to document his thoughts and struggles as he takes on societies norms armed with nothing more than his cheeky wit and undeniable charm - Give his Facebook page a like, add him on Twitter or follow his Google+ page and he will repay you with even more awesome words!

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