Archives for July 2014

9 Dumb Reasons Why You Fail (and the number 1 secret to success)

It’s not nice being a failure is it? You try your best, but you can’t help shake the feeling you’re destined for the scrapheap. Every day is the same old shit and there’s not even a Groundhog in sight. It’s not so much the routine, although boredom drives you to […]

The Little Things

It’s 11.53 on a scorching Friday morning and for the second time in as many days; the air conditioning fails to satisfy its end of the bargain. Kevin, a smartly dressed man in his late twenties, with an impeccable hairstyle and a looming deadline, wipes the sweat from his brow […]

6 Weird Ways Religion Is Influencing Your Brain (as proven by science)

It should probably come as no surprise that my belief in a God resides somewhere between Father Christmas and England’s chances of ever winning another World Cup. Oh I’ve tried. As a wide eyed and impressionable pre-teen I was given a copy of the bible during an early Religious Studies […]