1. Putting your own opinion to a fact. Unless you’re 100% certain – it’s not a fact, and you’re probably making it worse. 2. Waiting for something better to come along before you quit the thing you hate. This goes out to all the people stuck in dead end jobs, […]
The Little Things
It’s 11.53 on a scorching Friday morning and for the second time in as many days; the air conditioning fails to satisfy its end of the bargain. Kevin, a smartly dressed man in his late twenties, with an impeccable hairstyle and a looming deadline, wipes the sweat from his brow […]
6 Weird Ways Religion Is Influencing Your Brain (as proven by science)
It should probably come as no surprise that my belief in a God resides somewhere between Father Christmas and England’s chances of ever winning another World Cup. Oh I’ve tried. As a wide eyed and impressionable pre-teen I was given a copy of the bible during an early Religious Studies […]
5 Popular Self-Help Tips That Are Full of Shit
You’re not very happy are you? Be honest. There is something nagging away. As your friends are chatting, cracking jokes and enjoying a glass of wine; you’re trying to join in with the fun but something is holding you back. An invisible rope, fastened around your torso, tightening the slack […]
Looking After Number One – 4 Reasons Why You Need To Be More Selfish
As a kid I remember feeling incredibly impatient at a friend’s birthday party. There were many of us sat around a large table and I was almost raging at the lack of chocolate fingers. Well, to be brutally honest, I had eaten most of them, but that wasn’t the point. […]
9 Warning Signs You’re About To Start a Toxic Relationship
As I look back and reminisce about my previous relationships, it’s a genuine wonder why I haven’t been declared clinically insane. Dear God, I have dated some weird and wonderful people in my time. There is the girl who, after just 1 date, decided to go home and fill in […]
If The Answers Aren’t Frightening Enough Then You Need To Start Asking Scarier Questions
Who on earth wants to be scared? If you aren’t raising your hand with the speed of a schoolboy who’s just wet his pants, then you darn well should be. Yes, this is another one of those ‘fear is nothing to be afraid of’ articles, but with a little twist. […]
4 Ridiculously Common Misconceptions About Depression (and how to change your thoughts)
Depression sucks. It’s the vampire of diseases. It hides in plain sight, waiting to pounce. You don’t hear it coming. It’s too swift and clever for that. It sinks its teeth into your psyche, draining your confidence, your energy levels and your sense of self-worth. You’re powerless to prevent it. […]
3 Insane Reasons Why You Will Never Be Happy
Happiness is fleeting. It teases us with its presence, like a Victorian woman pulling up her bustle to reveal the sexy ankle of shame. It arrives with fanfare and promise and before we can truly appreciate what we are experiencing, it vanishes. Sometimes never to be seen again. We need […]
6 Reasons Why Your Life Is Harder Than It Should Be (and what to do about it)
People love a good moan from time to time. It’s good to get some of that frustration off your chest and out into the open, in fact being a miserable bastard can actually extend your life but that’s a pointless endeavor if everyone wants to punch you in the face. […]
The Idiots Guide To Being An Idiot
The more I read about personal development, the more I realise that everyone has it all back to front. The goal shouldn’t be to improve ourselves. It should be to screw up as often as possible because that’s infinitely more interesting. If we lived in a perfect world then life […]
5 Ways In Which Modern Life Is Screwing With Your Mind
Once upon a time we lived in caves and our only form of evening entertainment was seeing how fast we could run away from a Sabre toothed tiger. It was a fun game, if a little dangerous. Even 30 years ago we would bring out that game of Monopoly and gather round […]
Depression is NOT a mental illness
It’s physical. This is a short article that I wish to get out there because it constantly irritates me about the many misconceptions regarding depression, what it is and who gets it. I want to begin by asking a simple question. What is the difference between depression and food poisoning? […]