Do You Work In Retail? 7 Reasons Why You Must Quit Your Job, NOW!

When all is said and done, what we choose to do for a living is a clear reflection of the person we are inside; a window to the soul, a looking glass into how we perceive our own place in the world. There are high achievers and the unemployed, the […]

Always Wear Your Game Face – 4 Reasons Why Preparation Is The Key To Success

I’ve always considered myself to be just average talent and what I have is a ridiculous, insane, obsessiveness for practice and preparation. My father used to say all the time, ‘Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.’ So if you stay ready, you ain’t gotta get ready. That is how I […]

I Had NO IDEA How I Was Gonna Do This… but I did it anyway!

This is a guest post by Dana Gore Do you have any idea what I’m talking about? Not yet huh? Ok, that’s cool. Just stay with me for a minute and it’ll all come together 🙂 See – the reason I’m writing about this subject is because I know a […]

Just Because I’m Not Alone Doesn’t Mean I’m Not Lonely

Among the many misconceptions regarding depression, the most dangerous is the widely held belief that if someone looks fine, then they are fine. The truth is – those who are battling depression are the greatest method actors of our time; living every second of every day via a persona created […]

If The Answers Aren’t Frightening Enough Then You Need To Start Asking Scarier Questions

Who on earth wants to be scared? If you aren’t raising your hand with the speed of a schoolboy who’s just wet his pants, then you darn well should be. Yes, this is another one of those ‘fear is nothing to be afraid of’ articles, but with a little twist. […]

If You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get – 3 Ways To Change Your Life, Today!

A couple of months back I wrote an article about a dead cat. You may remember it as the one where I talked about Schrodinger’s cat and how our little feline friend can be used to inspire and push ourselves to reach outside of our comfort zone and grab life […]

Yes and No – The Only Two Words You Will Ever Need

The sense of impending doom was unbearable; I felt trapped, unable to escape the horror that would surely engulf my existence. Every minute that passed felt like an hour; it always does when you have nowhere to go. My time was almost up and I could feel the adrenaline flow […]

The Most Important Question You Will Ever Ask Yourself

“What am I actually doing to change my life?” Think about that for a second. I’ll wait… … Seriously, what are you currently doing to change your life situation? Are you one of these people who ‘talks the talk’ but when actually pressed for a bit of action, you retreat […]

How a Dead Cat Can Help You Transform Your Life (honestly, it can)

You want to talk about a dead cat, really? Yes I do but before that, let’s go back a few years. Here is something that may not surprise anyone at all. I was pretty rubbish with girls in my younger days. How rubbish? I hear you cry. Between the ages […]

6 Scary Life Situations That We Should All Learn To Love

Are you allowing fear to challenge your decision making? Life is an assault course with obstacles at every turn. Some of these are real, whilst many are simply imaginary – that is, we place far too much importance and mental effort in worrying about situations that are quite often nothing […]

If it’s not difficult, then you’re doing it wrong!

How many of you complain and moan when something doesn’t go your way? How about when you take up a new hobby or try something that you have never done before? Do you hate learning new skills? Yes, juggling chainsaws is pretty darn difficult so stop doing that. It’s not […]

The Idiots Guide To Being An Idiot

The more I read about personal development, the more I realise that everyone has it all back to front. The goal shouldn’t be to improve ourselves. It should be to screw up as often as possible because that’s infinitely more interesting. If we lived in a perfect world then life […]

Do one thing every day that scares you

Fear is one of the most frustrating emotions we can experience. Yes there is an evolutionary reason why we have it, but in today’s world, it can often just get in the way. It is the glass ceiling that prevents us from truly living and being the person we want […]

10 Inspiring Videos To Motivate And Kick Start Your Day

This selection of videos is simply for those occasions when you wake up in the morning and dread getting out of bed. We’ve all been there and sometimes all we need is a gentle reminder that while most people experience this, truly successful people never let these negative thoughts stop […]

Are you too nice? 3 tips to give you back your edge

Being a nice person is like a superpower. On paper it seems like you have all the tools needed to make friends, gain a good reputation and become a popular well liked person. Sadly like all superpowers it contains a big weakness, and your kryptonite is the very thing you […]