I know how you feel. It’s not immediately obvious, but you can tell something isn’t quite right. Nothing serious enough to warrant more than a passing thought, but it’s there, lurking in the background, slowly sucking the joy from your very existence. Am I getting warm? Also, although they may […]
How I Quit My Job, Built My Guitar Tuition Business From Scratch And Gained 25 Students In Under 18 Months
I’m no entrepreneur. It seems as though everyone brands themselves as one these days but I have no idea what being an entrepreneur actually means. The word conjures up an image of a smug guy in his early twenties, slick hairstyle, with an equally shocking suit to match. Either that […]
Do You Work In Retail? 7 Reasons Why You Must Quit Your Job, NOW!
When all is said and done, what we choose to do for a living is a clear reflection of the person we are inside; a window to the soul, a looking glass into how we perceive our own place in the world. There are high achievers and the unemployed, the […]
18 Things I Want To Tell My 18 Year Old Self (a conversation)
We’ve all fantasised about going back in time – perhaps to a life changing event or to re-enact a wonderful memory from our past. Reliving the first holiday without our parents, reminiscing about our first kiss or those hot, childhood summers that seemed to last forever. Our brain does a […]
I Had NO IDEA How I Was Gonna Do This… but I did it anyway!
This is a guest post by Dana Gore Do you have any idea what I’m talking about? Not yet huh? Ok, that’s cool. Just stay with me for a minute and it’ll all come together 🙂 See – the reason I’m writing about this subject is because I know a […]
Analysis Paralysis – Why I Need To Re-evaluate My Life (and why I need your help)
Edit: Since first writing this article, I have managed to deal with the feelings and scheduling conflicts detailed within. It was simply a change in focus and attitude that enabled me to overcome my issues. Successful people will always be busy – but I have learned that there will always […]
Stop Using Your Age as an Excuse!
I sat on the edge of my bed, gazing at the TV – in awe at how this little bald man could manipulate so many instruments to his every whim. The guitar he had strapped on was almost double his size yet his stature and confidence gave the illusion that […]
Monkey See, Monkey Do – A Tale Of Mimicry
How many of you are familiar with the TV show ‘The Walking Dead’? Actually it doesn’t matter if you aren’t – any zombie show or movie will do. You may have noticed that the life (death) of a zombie is a pretty simple one. They merely shuffle forwards, not knowing […]
There Is No Tomorrow
Before we start I would like to point out that this isn’t an article about the end of the world or anything particularly apocalyptic in nature. That would be silly. Instead I would like question why as human beings, we always seem to look to the future instead of the […]
The Importance Of Focus
Goals huh, don’t you just love them? Forever dangling out of reach, tempting us with their promises yet making us feel guilty when we neglect them for a while. It’s all so easy to make the mistake, especially with the amount of self-help literature out there, of having too many […]
How To Find Your Passion In 5 Simple Steps
As stated in my previous article Don’t like doing something? Stop NOW! I mention how waking up and dreading the day ahead is a really bad way to live your life. We’ve all been through it and some of us experience this right now. If you woke up today feeling […]
12 questions to ask yourself before quitting your job
This is just a quick post that was inspired by a lot of the questions (and self doubts) I had when I became interested in quitting my job. 1. Do I really want to do this? Ask yourself first of all if your new venture is really what you want […]
How I Embraced The All Or Nothing Mentality
I think there are two types of people in this world. Those are able to motivate themselves almost at will, and those who need a giant kick up the ass to do something. Okay guess what category I belong to… Thank you for that. My problem is that I have […]
7 Steps to quit your job and re-ignite your life
Having recently taken the plunge and decided to quit the world of the 9-5. I have compiled a list of 7 tips that I think can help you to do this yourself. A lot of people want to change their careers and their lives but they find it hard to […]