Archives for June 2013

How To Improve Your Social Life In 6 Easy Steps

How healthy is your social life? Does it need improving? Be honest now – I won’t tell anyone. I can honestly say that right now, my social life needs improving, but that’s mainly because I’m one of those highly sensitive individuals that likes to hide away from the world when […]

My Insane 30 Day Challenge – Halftime Report

As I promised, here is the halfway update on my insane 30 day challenge. As expected some of these things were easier than others and I in no way believed that I would complete all of them but the whole point of this was to shock me into making some […]

How To Deal With Bullies (from a former punchbag)

Being held in a headlock for 30 minutes is not fun – the feeling of utter helplessness and intense claustrophobia that kicks in as you realise that you are at the total mercy of someone else. I may as well have been pinned down by a Gorilla. He was only […]

Do You Realise How Lucky You Really Are?

During the summer of 2007 I had a job that was so demanding – I was constantly on the verge of curling up in the foetal position and declaring ‘game over’. It wasn’t that the job wasn’t fun, it was. Or that it was boring, it wasn’t – just that […]

How To Get Over A Relationship – The No B.S Guide

Relationships are intriguing little things. On the surface they seem awesome and we spend a lot of time trying to enter one but 99% of them will end, usually involving some form of mutual resentment and if you’re particularly unlucky, a large loss of cash. Dr Gregory House did once […]

6 Rites Of Passage That Every Blogger Must Go Through (and how to deal with it)

Blogging is awesome – it really is. Actually writing on the internet in general is pretty darn good and why wouldn’t it be? At no other point in history has a writer been given the potential to reach millions of people without a publishing deal. Yet anyone can give it […]

If it’s not difficult, then you’re doing it wrong!

How many of you complain and moan when something doesn’t go your way? How about when you take up a new hobby or try something that you have never done before? Do you hate learning new skills? Yes, juggling chainsaws is pretty darn difficult so stop doing that. It’s not […]