Monkey See, Monkey Do – A Tale Of Mimicry

How many of you are familiar with the TV show ‘The Walking Dead’? Actually it doesn’t matter if you aren’t – any zombie show or movie will do. You may have noticed that the life (death) of a zombie is a pretty simple one. They merely shuffle forwards, not knowing […]

10 Inspiring Videos To Motivate And Kick Start Your Day

This selection of videos is simply for those occasions when you wake up in the morning and dread getting out of bed. We’ve all been there and sometimes all we need is a gentle reminder that while most people experience this, truly successful people never let these negative thoughts stop […]

5 Reasons Why Time Is More Important Than Money

If you work ridiculous hours and have no time to actually have a life then you are doing it all wrong! Time is more important than money! There I’ve said it. The whole idea is that you work to live and not live to work but somewhere down the line a lot […]

The Importance Of Focus

Goals huh, don’t you just love them? Forever dangling out of reach, tempting us with their promises yet making us feel guilty when we neglect them for a while. It’s all so easy to make the mistake, especially with the amount of self-help literature out there, of having too many […]

How To Find Your Passion In 5 Simple Steps

As stated in my previous article Don’t like doing something? Stop NOW! I mention how waking up and dreading the day ahead is a really bad way to live your life. We’ve all been through it and some of us experience this right now. If you woke up today feeling […]