Just Because I’m Not Alone Doesn’t Mean I’m Not Lonely

Among the many misconceptions regarding depression, the most dangerous is the widely held belief that if someone looks fine, then they are fine. The truth is – those who are battling depression are the greatest method actors of our time; living every second of every day via a persona created […]

The 15 Best Psycholocrazy articles of 2013 – A Year In Review

It’s that time of year when everyone is all partied out and can’t be bothered with the whole ‘returning to normality’ thing. Happy new limbo to you all – I hope you had a good one! So with this in mind I thought it would be a great idea to […]

4 Ridiculously Common Misconceptions About Depression (and how to change your thoughts)

Depression sucks. It’s the vampire of diseases. It hides in plain sight, waiting to pounce. You don’t hear it coming. It’s too swift and clever for that. It sinks its teeth into your psyche, draining your confidence, your energy levels and your sense of self-worth. You’re powerless to prevent it. […]

How To Get Over A Relationship – The No B.S Guide

Relationships are intriguing little things. On the surface they seem awesome and we spend a lot of time trying to enter one but 99% of them will end, usually involving some form of mutual resentment and if you’re particularly unlucky, a large loss of cash. Dr Gregory House did once […]

Depression is NOT a mental illness

It’s physical. This is a short article that I wish to get out there because it constantly irritates me about the many misconceptions regarding depression, what it is and who gets it. I want to begin by asking a simple question. What is the difference between depression and food poisoning? […]

6 Everyday addictions that are destroying your body and mind

If I were to ask you about the word ‘addiction’ you would no doubt conjure up images of Alcoholic anonymous meetings, the clinically obese and even Russell Brand. For that last bit I can only apologise. We’re all addicts though, in some form or other. Maybe our addictions aren’t immediately […]

5 Reasons Why Depression Can Be A Good Thing

“Hey cheer up, it can’t be that bad. Pull yourself together” Anyone who has experienced depression knows how words such as those can turn our blood into a boiling cauldron of rage . It’s no wonder many of us refuse to tell anyone how we’re feeling when we just KNOW […]

Lacking Motivation? Hire A Monkey!

Do you ever have those days when you just cannot be bothered to do anything? Well I’m currently having one of those weeks and it’s not showing any signs of letting up. Actually it’s not a total wipe-out as I’m dredging up every ounce of motivation still left in my […]

Why You Deserve Everything You Get

I am going to discuss something now that may offend a lot of people, but equally may also flick a switch in many others. I’m proposing the idea that your position in life, everything that you have done and will do in the future is purely down to you. Your […]

How to reduce stress in 10 easy steps

Do you ever feel the need to scream out at the top of your lungs? Unless you are auditioning for the next Tarzan movie (seriously do they make them anymore?) you probably feel stressed! Learning how to slow down our lives and to reduce these negative feelings and emotions will […]

7 Reasons Why Getting A Job Is A Bad Idea

We get told from a very early age that we are supposed to go to college, then to university, rack up a huge debt so that we can get a safe career and retire at 65 to grow old and wear brown trousers. No. That’s just stupid. So with that […]

Don’t like doing something? Stop NOW!

  Don’t like doing something? Stop NOW! BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.. The alarm clock goes off, you reach over, eyes closed, groaning like a zombie, fumbling around in the dark trying to find that damn button. You finally find it and press it down.  Your finger says yes, the brain […]