We’re a species of doubters, cynics and self-deprecators – forever searching for that one elusive reason as to why something won’t work, why we shouldn’t do it or why we’re just plain useless. Animals don’t care. Neither do kids. The concept of embarrassment and failure is alien to these quirky […]
5 Obvious Things I Learned From a 30 Day News Blackout (that completely surprised me)
The most important, satisfying and infuriating task during my recent 30 day challenge was playing hide and seek with the news. I was the one hiding. ‘It’ was counting down – ready to find me at the earliest possible opportunity, and using any method at its disposal. Like the Terminator […]
Sex, Sun and The Peltzman effect – Why Playing It Safe Is Ruining Your Life
Decision making is not what it used to be. Back in the old days, when life was simple and we all lived in a black and white world, we had no health and safety minefields to carefully navigate. There was no social media to shame us into behaving a certain […]
4 Imaginary Problems You’re Experiencing Right Now (and how to fix them)
It’s human nature to believe we’re just one small change away from greatness. If only we could do this or do that – everything would be perfect. Our wants, wishes, dreams and desires mix with our regrets, our pain and our envy to create the perfect illusion of a puzzle […]
6 Survival Tips For the Recently Unemployed (or how quitting your job can rock your world)
Have you ever been fired from a job? Not in a mutual termination, or a ‘sorry, we’re not renewing your contract’ kind of way, but a proper disciplinary hearing followed by a swift kick up the arse and a see you later (and never come back) kind of way. I […]
The Little Things
It’s 11.53 on a scorching Friday morning and for the second time in as many days; the air conditioning fails to satisfy its end of the bargain. Kevin, a smartly dressed man in his late twenties, with an impeccable hairstyle and a looming deadline, wipes the sweat from his brow […]
6 Weird Ways Religion Is Influencing Your Brain (as proven by science)
It should probably come as no surprise that my belief in a God resides somewhere between Father Christmas and England’s chances of ever winning another World Cup. Oh I’ve tried. As a wide eyed and impressionable pre-teen I was given a copy of the bible during an early Religious Studies […]
Looking After Number One – 4 Reasons Why You Need To Be More Selfish
As a kid I remember feeling incredibly impatient at a friend’s birthday party. There were many of us sat around a large table and I was almost raging at the lack of chocolate fingers. Well, to be brutally honest, I had eaten most of them, but that wasn’t the point. […]
7 Stupid Life Rules You Should Stop Paying Attention To
I hate conformity. I’ll be honest with you here. People think I’m a little weird. Not weird enough to alert the cops, but the kind of weird that might leave someone scratching their head in bemusement when you say something that flies in the face of conventional ‘wisdom’. I get […]
If You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get – 3 Ways To Change Your Life, Today!
A couple of months back I wrote an article about a dead cat. You may remember it as the one where I talked about Schrodinger’s cat and how our little feline friend can be used to inspire and push ourselves to reach outside of our comfort zone and grab life […]
3 Insane Reasons Why You Will Never Be Happy
Happiness is fleeting. It teases us with its presence, like a Victorian woman pulling up her bustle to reveal the sexy ankle of shame. It arrives with fanfare and promise and before we can truly appreciate what we are experiencing, it vanishes. Sometimes never to be seen again. We need […]
You’re Already Dead! – The Ultimate Guide To Kicking Death’s Ass
Death is the ultimate taboo subject – something that all of us think about but we rarely bring it up in conversation because of the fear being labelled a weirdo. Whilst there are many articles and blog posts out there that discuss how people deal with grief and the loss […]
6 Reasons Why Your Life Is Harder Than It Should Be (and what to do about it)
People love a good moan from time to time. It’s good to get some of that frustration off your chest and out into the open, in fact being a miserable bastard can actually extend your life but that’s a pointless endeavor if everyone wants to punch you in the face. […]
How a Dead Cat Can Help You Transform Your Life (honestly, it can)
You want to talk about a dead cat, really? Yes I do but before that, let’s go back a few years. Here is something that may not surprise anyone at all. I was pretty rubbish with girls in my younger days. How rubbish? I hear you cry. Between the ages […]
Has Anyone Ever Told You That You’re Amazing?
Do you remember the last time that you really fancied someone? I mean really cared about someone. How every day they would occupy your thoughts and all you could think about is whether they would ever feel the same way about you? Most of us rarely tell anyone how we […]