I sat on the edge of my bed, gazing at the TV – in awe at how this little bald man could manipulate so many instruments to his every whim. The guitar he had strapped on was almost double his size yet his stature and confidence gave the illusion that […]
4 Terrifying Life Lessons We Only Learn As We Age (and how to accept them)
Here is a little secret. I have no idea what I am doing half of the time. I plan things out like a regular sane person and I have a vague idea of the future but quite often things don’t always go the way I want them too. Like the […]
6 Scary Life Situations That We Should All Learn To Love
Are you allowing fear to challenge your decision making? Life is an assault course with obstacles at every turn. Some of these are real, whilst many are simply imaginary – that is, we place far too much importance and mental effort in worrying about situations that are quite often nothing […]
6 Reasons Why Being Beautiful Sucks
I don’t know about you lot but it seems to me that there are more beautiful people roaming the planet than at any time in history. Of course the standards were a lot lower in the past – you were considered a sexual Goddess in the Stone Age by virtue […]
F*ck Realism
Being realistic is the most commonly travelled road to mediocrity. Will Smith When I think about the woman I will spend the rest of my life with, I’m not imagining a person who lacks intelligence or has no sense of humour. I don’t want someone who I’m not physically attracted […]
Everything That Happens To Me Is Great
Several years ago I came out the arse end of a ‘relationship’ and for the first real time in my life, I felt genuinely lost. It wasn’t that I was with this girl for a long time as it barely lasted a few months. The thing is that I had […]
Do You Realise How Lucky You Really Are?
During the summer of 2007 I had a job that was so demanding – I was constantly on the verge of curling up in the foetal position and declaring ‘game over’. It wasn’t that the job wasn’t fun, it was. Or that it was boring, it wasn’t – just that […]
How To Get Over A Relationship – The No B.S Guide
Relationships are intriguing little things. On the surface they seem awesome and we spend a lot of time trying to enter one but 99% of them will end, usually involving some form of mutual resentment and if you’re particularly unlucky, a large loss of cash. Dr Gregory House did once […]
If it’s not difficult, then you’re doing it wrong!
How many of you complain and moan when something doesn’t go your way? How about when you take up a new hobby or try something that you have never done before? Do you hate learning new skills? Yes, juggling chainsaws is pretty darn difficult so stop doing that. It’s not […]
15 reasons why today will be the best day of your life
We spend so much of our lives thinking about the past and the future that we can forget to actually live in the present. The thing is they don’t exist. They are merely false projections of the present. The past is just a collection of days that happened in the […]
5 Ways In Which Modern Life Is Screwing With Your Mind
Once upon a time we lived in caves and our only form of evening entertainment was seeing how fast we could run away from a Sabre toothed tiger. It was a fun game, if a little dangerous. Even 30 years ago we would bring out that game of Monopoly and gather round […]
4 Awful life situations you really need to see the funny side of
How many times have you been told that life is hard? It’s not really, it’s just wildly unpredictable and the people that tell you this are those who always look on the negative side. I mean, we all try to do our best with what we have and sometimes we […]
You Have All The Time In The World
I am going to let you in on a little secret – We all have the same amount of time as everyone else. It’s true. I know you may not think it, what with your hectic lifestyle, the unrelenting boss who wants everything done yesterday and those demanding kids who […]
There Is No Tomorrow
Before we start I would like to point out that this isn’t an article about the end of the world or anything particularly apocalyptic in nature. That would be silly. Instead I would like question why as human beings, we always seem to look to the future instead of the […]