Steroids For The Brain – How I Used Modafinil To Study For 19 Hours Straight

I take a look around – everything seems different, yet I cannot put my finger on it. I’m completely surrounded by women but I barely pay them any attention. There is too much to do, besides, the last thing I need right now is to make eye contact with a […]

4 Terrifying Life Lessons We Only Learn As We Age (and how to accept them)

Here is a little secret. I have no idea what I am doing half of the time. I plan things out like a regular sane person and I have a vague idea of the future but quite often things don’t always go the way I want them too. Like the […]

6 Reasons Why Being Beautiful Sucks

I don’t know about you lot but it seems to me that there are more beautiful people roaming the planet than at any time in history. Of course the standards were a lot lower in the past – you were considered a sexual Goddess in the Stone Age by virtue […]

5 More completely random and awesome ways to re-wire your brain

If you’re clever (or were simply reading this blog way back in the days before the Mayans lied to us all) then you should remember that I wrote a prequel to this article titled ‘5 completely random and awesome ways to improve your brain’. Obviously there was far too much […]

6 Ways future technology will amaze us all

We all love to imagine what the future and its technology may bring. As kids we would think about what jobs we would have, what age we would get married and how many pet robot monkeys we would own. Throughout the years we have seen many films that attempt to […]

5 Completely Random And Awesome Ways To Improve Your Brain

Do you have a brain? I really hope you are answering yes to that question because if not, the rise of the machines has already begun and we’re all doomed. For those of you that are human and still with us, how would you like to discover 5 ways in […]

Is Ignorance Bliss? 5 Reasons Why Stupid People Are Secret Geniuses

I’m going to let you in on a little secret now okay. Ignorance is bliss. It always has been and it always will be. How can this be I hear you cry, well let me ask you something. Are you stupid? Be honest now. I won’t tell anyone, promise. If […]