It’s that time of year when everyone is all partied out and can’t be bothered with the whole ‘returning to normality’ thing. Happy new limbo to you all – I hope you had a good one! So with this in mind I thought it would be a great idea to […]
Has Anyone Ever Told You That You’re Amazing?
Do you remember the last time that you really fancied someone? I mean really cared about someone. How every day they would occupy your thoughts and all you could think about is whether they would ever feel the same way about you? Most of us rarely tell anyone how we […]
Stop Using Your Age as an Excuse!
I sat on the edge of my bed, gazing at the TV – in awe at how this little bald man could manipulate so many instruments to his every whim. The guitar he had strapped on was almost double his size yet his stature and confidence gave the illusion that […]
4 Terrifying Life Lessons We Only Learn As We Age (and how to accept them)
Here is a little secret. I have no idea what I am doing half of the time. I plan things out like a regular sane person and I have a vague idea of the future but quite often things don’t always go the way I want them too. Like the […]
F*ck Realism
Being realistic is the most commonly travelled road to mediocrity. Will Smith When I think about the woman I will spend the rest of my life with, I’m not imagining a person who lacks intelligence or has no sense of humour. I don’t want someone who I’m not physically attracted […]
How To Use Pareto’s 80/20 Principle To Streamline Your Life
What would you say if I told you that there was a simple, yet effective way of streamlining your productivity without affecting your results? You’d call me nuts – I get that, I am a little bit. Wait up – don’t shoot the messenger, I didn’t come up with the […]
There Is No Tomorrow
Before we start I would like to point out that this isn’t an article about the end of the world or anything particularly apocalyptic in nature. That would be silly. Instead I would like question why as human beings, we always seem to look to the future instead of the […]
10 Inspiring Videos To Motivate And Kick Start Your Day
This selection of videos is simply for those occasions when you wake up in the morning and dread getting out of bed. We’ve all been there and sometimes all we need is a gentle reminder that while most people experience this, truly successful people never let these negative thoughts stop […]
5 Things You Think You Know About Life (But Always Get Wrong)
Life is basically one long ass experiment that we have to take part in. 70 plus years of trial and error where we all try to do our best to make the most of what we have without killing ourselves in the process. It’s a fine line. We all make […]
Messi Vs Ronaldo (How to turn a rival into a friend)
(Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images) There have been many great comparisons over the years. Pele Vs Maradona, The Beatles vs The Rolling Stones, Federer vs Nadal, Bourbons vs Hobnobs. Yet in today’s world few match ups compare with the two dominant forces in world football right now, Lionel Messi and […]
The Importance Of Focus
Goals huh, don’t you just love them? Forever dangling out of reach, tempting us with their promises yet making us feel guilty when we neglect them for a while. It’s all so easy to make the mistake, especially with the amount of self-help literature out there, of having too many […]
What If Our Reality Is Just An Illusion?
I’m sure at some point in your lives, you have thought about the possible existence of an afterlife or a higher place. Many of you may believe in a particular God and a belief that we all go somewhere when we die. Likewise many of you may be atheists or […]
5 Reasons Why Facebook Is Ruining Your Life
We all love technology, in particular the internet, and to be honest most of us couldn’t function in today’s society without it. Facebook and other social media sites such as Twitter are at the forefront of modern life and while they have a lot of positive aspects, they are also […]
Hello I’m a psychopath (And I can teach you how to win)
Actually I’m not a psychopath so don’t worry, but the chances are you do know a few and maybe even had a close relationships with one in the past. Crazy isn’t it? This may seem absurd to believe but psychopaths (and Sociopaths) fall under the banner of antisocial personality disorders […]
18 Tips To Motivate and Supercharge Your Productivity
Knowing how to increase motivation and putting that into practice are two entirely different beasts. Most of us have a goal in mind and we might even know what we should be doing, but why can’t we seem to make that final step into actual productivity? The awesome thing about […]