It’s not nice being a failure is it? You try your best, but you can’t help shake the feeling you’re destined for the scrapheap. Every day is the same old shit and there’s not even a Groundhog in sight. It’s not so much the routine, although boredom drives you to […]
The Little Things
It’s 11.53 on a scorching Friday morning and for the second time in as many days; the air conditioning fails to satisfy its end of the bargain. Kevin, a smartly dressed man in his late twenties, with an impeccable hairstyle and a looming deadline, wipes the sweat from his brow […]
6 Weird Ways Religion Is Influencing Your Brain (as proven by science)
It should probably come as no surprise that my belief in a God resides somewhere between Father Christmas and England’s chances of ever winning another World Cup. Oh I’ve tried. As a wide eyed and impressionable pre-teen I was given a copy of the bible during an early Religious Studies […]
What Really Turns You On?
I know how you feel. It’s not immediately obvious, but you can tell something isn’t quite right. Nothing serious enough to warrant more than a passing thought, but it’s there, lurking in the background, slowly sucking the joy from your very existence. Am I getting warm? Also, although they may […]
5 Popular Self-Help Tips That Are Full of Shit
You’re not very happy are you? Be honest. There is something nagging away. As your friends are chatting, cracking jokes and enjoying a glass of wine; you’re trying to join in with the fun but something is holding you back. An invisible rope, fastened around your torso, tightening the slack […]
Why Excellence Is a Full Time Job
The 2014 Brazilian World Cup is one of beauty, prestige and flamboyance – where the true modern footballing greats gather in gladiatorial combat in a quest to discover which country can rightfully claim to be the best on earth. Andrea Pirlo is one of these greats; an Italian player who […]
21 Quick And Easy Ways Of Freeing Up More Time
Right, you bunch of lazy bastards. It’s time to wake up, slap yourself in the face and realise that you’re all living a lie. There is no such thing as not having enough time. It’s an excuse, an illusion. The truth is, either you’re terrible at organising your day or […]
6 Amazing Lessons Arnold Schwarzenegger Can Teach You About Success
Arnold Schwarzenegger polarises opinion. He’s a cigar smoking fitness fanatic with the most revered physique in bodybuilding history. He’s a fiercely loyal Republican who can count the Kennedy’s as in laws. He’s the farmer’s son from Austria who became an American – and to be honest you’re not sure what […]
7 Underrated, Yet Inspiring Books That Everyone Should Read
Books are awesome. Person does stuff – someone writes it down – others read it. It’s as simple as that. Every significant event in the history of mankind has been recorded for the benefit of those who follow. Every little detail of this planet we call Earth is contained within […]
How I Quit My Job, Built My Guitar Tuition Business From Scratch And Gained 25 Students In Under 18 Months
I’m no entrepreneur. It seems as though everyone brands themselves as one these days but I have no idea what being an entrepreneur actually means. The word conjures up an image of a smug guy in his early twenties, slick hairstyle, with an equally shocking suit to match. Either that […]
Do You Work In Retail? 7 Reasons Why You Must Quit Your Job, NOW!
When all is said and done, what we choose to do for a living is a clear reflection of the person we are inside; a window to the soul, a looking glass into how we perceive our own place in the world. There are high achievers and the unemployed, the […]
Always Wear Your Game Face – 4 Reasons Why Preparation Is The Key To Success
I’ve always considered myself to be just average talent and what I have is a ridiculous, insane, obsessiveness for practice and preparation. My father used to say all the time, ‘Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.’ So if you stay ready, you ain’t gotta get ready. That is how I […]
Looking After Number One – 4 Reasons Why You Need To Be More Selfish
As a kid I remember feeling incredibly impatient at a friend’s birthday party. There were many of us sat around a large table and I was almost raging at the lack of chocolate fingers. Well, to be brutally honest, I had eaten most of them, but that wasn’t the point. […]
Are You Getting Better Or Are You Happy Being Average?
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.” – Rust Cohle After many years as the go-to leading man for dire romantic comedies and roles that required nothing more than standing around without a shirt – Matthew McConaughey’s transition into […]