Why You Deserve Everything You Get

I am going to discuss something now that may offend a lot of people, but equally may also flick a switch in many others. I’m proposing the idea that your position in life, everything that you have done and will do in the future is purely down to you. Your […]

8 Ways Apple Can Teach Us How To Live

This is a little article that came to be while reading about Apple’s iPhone 5 launch and it caused me to ponder how this company, who have grown so big and successful, are able to overcome the problems they face. I realised that they share many traits with the rest […]

You Are NOT Your Job

Most of us have had a time in our lives when we meet someone new and that dreaded question rears its ugly head. “So what do you do?” Those words can have a crippling effect on our social interactions, to the point where we can even lie and deceive for […]

Hello I’m a psychopath (And I can teach you how to win)

Actually I’m not a psychopath so don’t worry, but the chances are you do know a few and maybe even had a close relationships with one in the past. Crazy isn’t it? This may seem absurd to believe but psychopaths (and Sociopaths) fall under the banner of antisocial personality disorders […]

Why Self Acceptance Is Key

If you read enough personal development blogs and listen to enough people you will quite often come across some great advice. One such piece of advice that crops up regularly is that you should learn to love yourself. I disagree. You can’t learn to love yourself. It isn’t a skill […]

How to find the courage you need

There are times when we have the opportunity to do something different. Something new and exciting that will dust the cobwebs from in front of our eyes and stimulate us. We know when this occasion arises because the butterflies start in our stomach and we wonder if the ability to […]

12 questions to ask yourself before quitting your job

This is just a quick post that was inspired by a lot of the questions (and self doubts) I had when I became interested in quitting my job. 1. Do I really want to do this? Ask yourself first of all if your new venture is really what you want […]

How I Embraced The All Or Nothing Mentality

I think there are two types of people in this world. Those are able to motivate themselves almost at will, and those who need a giant kick up the ass to do something. Okay guess what category I belong to… Thank you for that. My problem is that I have […]

7 Reasons Why Getting A Job Is A Bad Idea

We get told from a very early age that we are supposed to go to college, then to university, rack up a huge debt so that we can get a safe career and retire at 65 to grow old and wear brown trousers. No. That’s just stupid. So with that […]

The 50 most inspirational quotes of all time

 I present to you, the 50 most inspirational quotes of all time. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential. Bruce Lee Strength does not come […]

5 fool proof tips to help you lose fat fast (and why they work)

Everyone wants to look good, to be healthier and to be at ease with themselves. One of the best ways to do this is to reduce your body fat and thus improve your self image. The problem being that there is a lot of false information on the internet regarding […]

7 Steps to quit your job and re-ignite your life

Having recently taken the plunge and decided to quit the world of the 9-5. I have compiled a list of 7 tips that I think can help you to do this yourself. A lot of people want to change their careers and their lives but they find it hard to […]

30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge How many of you have tried to give up a habit or start a new hobby? Pretty much everyone I would expect. Yet how many people actually follow through with their choice? We see it every year with New Year resolutions. People vow to join gyms, to […]