Being realistic is the most commonly travelled road to mediocrity. Will Smith When I think about the woman I will spend the rest of my life with, I’m not imagining a person who lacks intelligence or has no sense of humour. I don’t want someone who I’m not physically attracted […]
My Insane 30 Day Challenge – The Results
I must apologise for taking my time with this article. I have been pretty busy and trying to take advantage of this good weather (who knows how long it will last). FINALLY my insane 30 day challenge is over, no more, finished, done with. To be honest I am pretty […]
My Insane 30 Day Challenge – Halftime Report
As I promised, here is the halfway update on my insane 30 day challenge. As expected some of these things were easier than others and I in no way believed that I would complete all of them but the whole point of this was to shock me into making some […]
How To Get Over A Relationship – The No B.S Guide
Relationships are intriguing little things. On the surface they seem awesome and we spend a lot of time trying to enter one but 99% of them will end, usually involving some form of mutual resentment and if you’re particularly unlucky, a large loss of cash. Dr Gregory House did once […]
My Insane 30 Day Challenge
On June 1st I will start a 30 day challenge that could possibly reduce me to a quivering wreck! I am going to be testing my willpower with TEN different challenges. Way back last summer I wrote how taking part in a 30 day challenge is a great way to […]
15 reasons why today will be the best day of your life
We spend so much of our lives thinking about the past and the future that we can forget to actually live in the present. The thing is they don’t exist. They are merely false projections of the present. The past is just a collection of days that happened in the […]
Why Do We Always Settle For Second Best?
This is a shorter article today but it’s about something that I feel strongly about. Basically the idea that many people, most in fact, are going through life just accepting whatever comes their way. It’s just a case of picking low hanging fruit. Taking the easy option, remaining in your […]
The Idiots Guide To Being An Idiot
The more I read about personal development, the more I realise that everyone has it all back to front. The goal shouldn’t be to improve ourselves. It should be to screw up as often as possible because that’s infinitely more interesting. If we lived in a perfect world then life […]
6 Ways To Instantly Make Yourself A Better Person
Everyone thinks they are a good person, and why wouldn’t they? Most people don’t run around with axes or intentionally set out to hurt others and sadly this seems to be the barometer that we seem to judge ourselves on. ‘Well I haven’t chopped anyone up lately so therefore I […]
Do one thing every day that scares you
Fear is one of the most frustrating emotions we can experience. Yes there is an evolutionary reason why we have it, but in today’s world, it can often just get in the way. It is the glass ceiling that prevents us from truly living and being the person we want […]
5 More completely random and awesome ways to re-wire your brain
If you’re clever (or were simply reading this blog way back in the days before the Mayans lied to us all) then you should remember that I wrote a prequel to this article titled ‘5 completely random and awesome ways to improve your brain’. Obviously there was far too much […]
10 Inspiring Videos To Motivate And Kick Start Your Day
This selection of videos is simply for those occasions when you wake up in the morning and dread getting out of bed. We’ve all been there and sometimes all we need is a gentle reminder that while most people experience this, truly successful people never let these negative thoughts stop […]
5 Things You Think You Know About Life (But Always Get Wrong)
Life is basically one long ass experiment that we have to take part in. 70 plus years of trial and error where we all try to do our best to make the most of what we have without killing ourselves in the process. It’s a fine line. We all make […]